Forget Kale! Shiitake Mushroom Powder Is the New Superfood Sensation!

Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) mushrooms are a delicious addition to many dishes and offer impressive health benefits. Packed with essential nutrients, shiitake mushroom powder is considered a superfood, new-generation food known for its ability to support overall wellness and immunity. This versatile powder can enhance meals while boosting nutrition effortlessly.

Shiitake, the healing mushroom

Historically in Japan, where the finest produce was exclusively reserved for the royal family, the shiitake earned the prestigious title of “king” or “monarch of mushrooms,” signifying its superior flavor and exceptional quality. The term “shiitake” originates from Japanese, combining “take,” meaning mushroom, and “shii,” referring to Castanopsis cuspidata, a specific chestnut tree species on which the mushroom frequently grew in Japan.

shiitake powder
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When fresh, it has the coloration of a young fawn, complete with those lighter-colored spots. When dried, the cap becomes cracked, taking on the appearance of old leather

How to consume shiitake mushroom powder?

Using shiitake mushroom powder in cooking is simple and can elevate various recipes. From soups and sauces to smoothies, adding this powder can provide a rich, umami flavor and its many health benefits. By understanding the best ways to incorporate it, anyone can enjoy the advantages that come with this amazing ingredient.

Choosing the right shiitake powder is important for maximizing health benefits. With different varieties available in the market, knowing what to look for can help ensure quality and potency. By exploring these aspects, individuals can enhance their dietary habits and overall health with shiitake mushroom powder.

Key Takeaways

  • Shiitake mushroom powder offers numerous health benefits and is often regarded as a superfood.
  • It can be easily used in a variety of recipes to enhance flavor and nutrition.
  • Selecting high-quality shiitake powder is crucial for achieving the best health results.

Shiitake Mushroom Health Benefits

shiitake powder benefits

Shiitake mushrooms offer various health benefits that can enhance overall well-being.

Shiitake has a history of medicinal uses. The mushroom is used as anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral as well as antithrombotic in
cardiovascular disorders

Their nutrient composition makes them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Shiitake mushrooms offer a range of health benefits, including lipid-lowering, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory effects. They are also rich in essential nutrients and have potential therapeutic applications in managing conditions like obesity, hypertension, arthritis, and skin damage due to UV exposure.

The Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) mushroom is a rich source of β-glucans . It takes its specific name from its β-glucan lentinan, which stimulates immune cells to attack cancer cells. Lentinan enhances the production of T lymphocytes and can potentiate the effect of AZT (30-Azido30-deoxythymidine) in the anti-viral treatment of AIDS . Its positive effects have been proved in the treatment of, e.g., glioma (human astrocytoma U251 cells) , breast cancer and liver cancer .

Scientific Research on Shiitake Mushrooms

Heart Health and Cholesterol

Shiitake mushrooms can support heart health effectively.

Coronary artery disease, which is a leading cause of death in Western countries, is often caused by high cholesterol levels that contribute to the hardening of the arteries. In humans, over 50% of total cholesterol in the blood is produced by the body itself.

Shiitake mushrooms have been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels thanks to a compound called eritadenine (also known as “lentinacin” or “lentysine”).

best shiitake powder Infographic

Eritadenine reduces cholesterol in mice not by stopping its production, but by speeding up the excretion of cholesterol and its breakdown. In animal studies, eritadenine lowered cholesterol and fat levels in the blood.

When added to the diet of rats, even a small amount (0.005%) of eritadenine caused a 25% reduction in total cholesterol within one week. This effect is stronger in rats on a high-fat diet compared to those on a low-fat diet. Some studies studies have shown that shiitake mushrooms can lower blood pressure1, reduce free cholesterol in the blood, and help remove lipids from the bloodstream, directing them to the liver for processing.

Anti-Thrombotic Effects: Compounds in shiitake mushrooms, such as lenthionine, can reduce blood clot formation by inhibiting platelet aggregation, potentially lowering the risk of thrombosis.

Cholesterol-Lowering Effects: The compound eritadenine in shiitake mushrooms helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood by up to 25% within a week, particularly effective when combined with a high-protein diet. It also helps convert harmful LDL cholesterol into beneficial HDL cholesterol.

Blood Pressure Regulation: Shiitake mushrooms may help prevent high blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Thus, including shiitake mushrooms or their powder in a balanced diet can promote overall heart health.

Immune System Support

Shiitake mushroom powder may boost the immune system. Its active compounds, such as polysaccharides, are known to enhance immune function. Research shows that these compounds help:

  • Indirect Action Against Cancer: Compounds like lentinan from shiitake mushrooms do not directly attack cancer cells. Instead, they boost the body’s immune responses to fight tumors.
  • Immune System Boosting: Lentinan acts as a host defense potentiator (HDP), enhancing the body’s ability to respond to various immune signals and promoting the growth and differentiation of immune cells2.
  • Broad Protective Effects: Lentinan increases the body’s resistance to cancers and infections, including AIDS, by activating multiple immune pathways.
  • Unknown Initial Interactions: The exact way lentinan interacts initially in the body is not fully understood, but it temporarily raises certain blood proteins involved in the immune response.
  • Natural Killer (NK) Cell Activation: Lentinan can activate NK cells, which play a key role in suppressing tumors, at concentrations similar to those used in clinical treatments.
  • Stimulation of Helper T-Cells: It strongly stimulates T-helper cells, which support other cells in the immune system, although it has limited effects on T-killer cells.
  • Enhanced Immune Cell Activity: Studies have shown that lentinan increases the activity of immune cells like lymphocytes, NK cells, and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells both in the lab and in the body.

By incorporating shiitake powder into meals, individuals may help their bodies fend off illnesses more effectively. This immune support can be particularly beneficial during cold and flu seasons, providing an extra layer of defense.

Anticarcinogenic and Antitumor Effects

The carcinostatic effect of lentinan results from the activation of the host’s immune system.

Anti-Cancer Effects: Lentinan can enhance the immune system’s ability to fight cancer by increasing the activity of macrophages and T-cells. It has shown potential in treating patients with cancer-related conditions, such as carcinomatous pleuritis and peritonitis.

  • Lentinan: A compound in shiitake that may inhibit tumor growth.
  • Enhanced apoptosis: This is the process of programmed cell death, which is important in controlling cancer cell proliferation.

While research is ongoing, the potential benefits of shiitake powder as part of a cancer prevention plan present an intriguing area for further exploration.

Digestive Health Enhancement

Shiitake mushrooms have excellent nutritional value.

Shiitake mushrooms are known to support digestive health. They contain dietary fiber, which promotes regular bowel movements and prevents constipation. This fiber helps maintain a healthy gut environment and supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

In addition, shiitake mushrooms have prebiotic properties that can enhance gut microbiota. A healthy balance of gut bacteria is crucial for nutrient absorption and digestive efficiency. These benefits make shiitake powder a great option for those looking to improve their digestive wellness.

Regular consumption of shiitake mushrooms can lead to better digestion and overall gut health. Many people incorporate shiitake powder into soups, smoothies, or baked goods to reap these benefits.

Liver-Protecting Effects

Lentinan, a compound found in shiitake mushrooms, was shown to slow the growth of liver tumors in rats. A specific sugar compound from shiitake mushrooms also protected the liver in animal studies and helped improve liver function and increase antibody production against hepatitis B. Lentinan improved liver enzyme levels (SGPT) in mice with toxic hepatitis and restored these levels to normal. Additionally, crude extracts from shiitake mushrooms have shown protective effects on the liver3.

Antibacterial and Antiviral

Antibacterial Properties: Lentinan, a compound in shiitake mushrooms, is effective against bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus megaterium. It also inhibits the growth of Candida albicans and helps regulate the inflammatory response to infections by activating immune components like macrophages.

Antiviral Properties: Lentinan can inhibit the replication of several viruses, including Adenovirus type 12, Abelson virus, and VSV-encephalitis virus. While lentinan does not directly block HIV, it can enhance the effects of HIV treatments. Shiitake mushrooms naturally contain antiviral agents, such as proteinase inhibitors, that show activity against HIV and other viruses like influenza and polio.

Immune System Activation: Lentinan boosts the immune system by increasing the activation of natural killer (NK) cells and enhancing T-cell responses. It also raises levels of important immune mediators like IL-1, IL-3, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF).

Enhanced Immune Response in Infections: In studies, lentinan combined with gentamicin improved survival rates in rats with peritonitis by boosting the activity of immune cells that produce bactericidal substances.

Weight Loss Benefits:

Consuming shiitake mushrooms as part of a balanced diet can aid in weight loss due to their low calorie content and high nutritional value. They are recommended by the American Heart Association as part of a heart-healthy diet.

Skin Health and Anti-Aging Effects

shiitake mushroom powder benefits
  1. Enhances Skin Appearance: Shiitake mushroom extract can improve the appearance of your skin when applied topically.
  2. Contains Kojic Acid: The extract is rich in kojic acid, a natural ingredient that can lighten skin, fade scars, and reduce age spots, serving as a natural alternative to hydroquinone.
  3. Reduces Inflammation: Skin creams and lotions with shiitake mushroom extract can help minimize skin inflammation due to the antioxidant properties of the mushrooms.
  4. Boosts Collagen Production: The nutrients in shiitake mushrooms support collagen production, which helps maintain skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Moisturizing Effects: Natural compounds in shiitake mushrooms help retain skin moisture, keeping the skin hydrated and smooth.
  6. Treats Skin Conditions: Due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, shiitake mushrooms can help in managing skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
  7. Supports Skin Barrier: Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in shiitake mushrooms strengthen the skin barrier, protecting it from environmental stressors.

Overall, shiitake mushrooms are beneficial not only for internal health but also for enhancing skin appearance and reducing signs of aging. They contain antioxidants, which protect skin cells from damage caused by free radicals. These antioxidants help to reduce signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.

Applying products that contain shiitake extract may also improve skin texture and promote a healthy glow. For those seeking natural solutions for skincare, shiitake powder can be an effective ingredient to include in homemade masks or creams.

Shiitake Mushroom Powder

What Is Shiitake Powder? How to choose a mushroom supplement, the best functional mushroom supplements

Here is a table that explains the differences between powdered mushrooms and water-extract powdered mushrooms, focusing on their beta-glucan content and health benefits.


DifferencePowdered MushroomsWater Extract Powdered MushroomsBeta-Glucan ContentHealth Benefits
FormulationWhole mushrooms are dried and ground into a fine powder.Mushrooms are boiled in water to extract the beneficial compounds, then the liquid is dried into a powder.Powdered mushrooms have lower beta-glucan concentration due to the presence of whole mushroom fiber.May have lower bioavailability, as some compounds are still bound in the mushroom matrix.
BioavailabilityContains all parts of the mushroom, including fiber, chitin, and less-soluble compounds.Higher bioavailability due to the concentration of active compounds like beta-glucans.Water extraction increases the concentration of beta-glucans and other polysaccharides.Improved bioavailability enhances absorption and efficacy of immune-modulating benefits.
Concentration of Active CompoundsLower concentration of active compounds per gram, as the powder includes both active and inactive components.Higher concentration of active compounds (e.g., beta-glucans, polysaccharides) due to the extraction process.Water extracts provide a standardized and concentrated dose of beta-glucans, typically 30% or higher.Higher concentrations of beta-glucans and polysaccharides lead to stronger immune support and anti-inflammatory effects.
Usage and DosageRequires a larger quantity to achieve therapeutic effects because of lower concentrations.Smaller quantities are needed for the same effects due to higher concentration of active compounds.Powder extracts with higher beta-glucan levels provide potent immune support with less product needed.Lower dosage requirements make it easier to achieve desired health outcomes without consuming large quantities.
Cost and ValueTypically lower cost due to minimal processing; however, may require higher doses for effectiveness.Higher cost due to additional processing and concentration of active compounds.Higher beta-glucan content in extracts provides more value per gram in terms of health benefits.The cost-effectiveness of extracts makes them a better choice for those seeking potent therapeutic benefits from smaller doses.

Shiitake Powder Takeaways

Both powdered mushrooms and water extract powdered mushrooms have their unique advantages. Powdered mushrooms offer the full spectrum of mushroom benefits with added fiber and may be more economical. However, water extract powders provide a concentrated source of key active compounds, such as beta-glucans, which are highly effective for immune support and overall health benefits. Water extract powders are often preferred for those seeking targeted therapeutic effects due to their higher bioavailability and potency.

Shiitake powder retains the flavor and nutrition of fresh mushrooms, making it a versatile ingredient. It can be used in soups, sauces, and even smoothies to enhance taste and health.

Shiitake mushrooms are an excellent source of various nutrients, including protein and potassium. The entire mushroom stems included provides zinc, which plays a crucial role in maintaining immune system function. Additionally, these fungi contain a significant amount of complex carbohydrates known as polysaccharides. Multiple types of these polysaccharides have been identified as having the capacity to enhance immune system performance.

Consumers should look for products that are certified organic and free of additives for the best quality.

Shiitake Mushroom Powder Benefits

Shiitake mushrooms offer various health benefits. They have been studied for their potential to support immune function. Compounds in shiitake, such as polysaccharides, promote the immune system’s responses.

Additionally, shiitake mushrooms may aid heart health. They contain compounds that can lower cholesterol levels. This can lead to better cardiovascular health over time.

Incorporating shiitake into the diet may also support liver function, as shown in research related to fat metabolism. For those interested in natural health solutions, shiitake mushrooms can be a valuable addition to their diet. To learn more about the functional properties of edible mushrooms, click here.

Shiitake mushroom powder is nutrient-dense. It is low in calories and contains essential nutrients. These nutrients support various bodily functions, including immune health and energy production.

In addition, shiitake powder is rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress. Research suggests that this powder may have anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to better overall health.

Shiitake Mushroom Powder Nutritional Profile

High Nutritional Value: Shiitake mushrooms have excellent nutritional value, containing water, protein, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. They provide higher nutritional benefits compared to many commonly consumed vegetables.

Rich in Carbohydrates and Protein: Dried shiitake mushrooms consist of 58-60% carbohydrates and 20-23% protein, with a high digestibility rate of 80-87%. They also contain 9-10% fiber, 3-4% lipids, and 4-5% ash.

Vitamins Content: Shiitake mushrooms are a good source of vitamins, especially pro-vitamin D2 (ergosterol), which converts to calcitriol under UV light and heat. They also contain B vitamins, such as B1, B2, B12, and pantothenic acid.

Mineral Composition: These mushrooms provide essential minerals, including potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), phosphorus (P), and zinc (Zn). They also contain trace amounts of other minerals like cadmium (Cd) and germanium (Ge).

Polysaccharides: Shiitake mushrooms contain various polysaccharides, such as β-glucans and heteroglucans, which have antitumor properties and function as dietary fiber. Other identified polysaccharides include lentinan, heterogalactans, and heteromannans.

Dietary Fiber: The dietary fiber in shiitake mushrooms consists of both water-soluble fibers (like β-glucan and protein) and water-insoluble fibers (like chitin, hemicellulose, and lignin). These fibers support digestive health.

Free Sugars: Shiitake mushrooms contain several free sugars, including trehalose, glycerol, mannitol, arabitol, mannose, and arabinose, which contribute to their energy content and flavor.

Fatty Acids: The fatty acids in shiitake mushrooms make up about 3.38% of their total lipids. The primary fatty acids are linoleic acid (72.8%), palmitic acid (14.7%), and oleic acid (3.0%), with smaller amounts of other fatty acids.

Flavor and Aroma Compounds: The mushrooms’ distinctive flavor comes from compounds like monosodium glutamate, free amino acids, organic acids, and low molecular weight peptides. Their unique aroma is due to compounds such as matsutakeol and pentathiepane.

Organic Acids: Several organic acids contribute to the flavor of shiitake mushrooms, including malic, fumaric, α-keto-glutaric, oxalic, lactic, acetic, formic, and glycolic acids. These acids provide the characteristic tangy and umami taste.

Shiitake mushroom powder offers a range of benefits that make it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

These components contribute to overall health by supporting metabolism, promoting healthy skin, and maintaining bone health. The vitamins and minerals work synergistically to enhance bodily functions and reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies.

How to Use Shiitake Mushroom Powder

Shiitake powder is versatile and can be used in numerous recipes. It can be added to soups, stews, sauces, or even smoothies to boost nutrition.

Shiitake powder is rich in natural glutamates, making it a top choice for creating umami in meals.

Shiitake powder has a rich, earthy flavor with hints of smokiness. This makes it an excellent addition to many recipes.

  • Soups and Broths: Stir in a tablespoon of shiitake powder while cooking for a rich umami flavor.
  • Sauces: Mix it into pasta sauces or marinades to enhance taste.
  • Smoothies: Blend a teaspoon into smoothies for added nutrients without altering the flavor significantly.
  • Rice and grains: Stir it into rice for an umami boost.
  • Vegetables: It enhances roasted or sautéed vegetables.
  • Blend it in dips: Adds a savory kick to hummus or guacamole.

This powder also works well in dry mix recipes. Pasta cu powder mushroom and mushrooms.

The popularity of shiitake mushrooms as a superfood is backed by scientific attention.

Dosage and Preparation Tips

For effective use, the recommended dosage of shiitake mushroom powder is about 1 to 2 grams per day.

Preparation Tips:

  • Dissolving: Mix the powder with warm water or broth before adding it to recipes to ensure even distribution.
  • Storage: Keep it in a cool, dry place in an airtight container to maintain freshness.

Selecting the Best Shiitake Powder

When choosing shiitake powder, it is essential to consider quality indicators.These factors can influence both the health benefits and flavor of the powder.

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Quality Indicators

The first step in selecting shiitake powder is to examine quality indicators. A few key points to consider include:

  • Color: Quality shiitake powder should have a rich, dark brown color. A faded or light color may indicate older or lower-quality mushrooms.
  • Texture: Fine powder is preferred. Coarse or gritty textures might suggest poor grinding methods or less care in processing.
  • Aroma: A strong, earthy aroma signifies freshness. A dull smell could indicate a loss of flavor and nutrients.
  • Ingredients: Pure shiitake powder should contain just shiitake mushrooms, with no additives or fillers. Checking the label for purity is vital for ensuring quality.
  • Certifications: Look for certifications such as organic or non-GMO, which can indicate a higher quality product.

By focusing on these factors, individuals can make informed decisions when selecting the best shiitake powder for their needs.

Forms, and preparations of shiitake powder mushrooms and lentinan:

  1. Forms of Administration: Shiitake mushrooms and their compounds, like lentinan, can be consumed in various forms such as tablets, capsules, powdered extracts, syrups, teas, wines, and even as part of medicinal dishes.
  2. Injection and Dosage: Lentinan can be administered via injection (1 mg per vial) or consumed orally. A typical dose for dried shiitake mushrooms is 6-16 grams, which is equivalent to about 90 grams of fresh mushrooms.
  3. Tablets and Extracts: The recommended dosage for tablets is usually 2 grams, taken 2-4 times per day. These tablets are often made from a concentrated extract of shiitake mycelia or fruiting bodies to maximize the amount of active ingredients.
  4. Standardized Extracts: Standardized shiitake mushroom extracts are preferred because they provide a guaranteed amount of lentinan and other active compounds, which is clearly labeled on the packaging.
  5. Fresh Mushrooms: While fresh shiitake mushrooms are nutritious, consuming them in large amounts for therapeutic benefits can cause digestive upset, hence concentrated forms are preferred for medicinal use.
  6. Medicinal Dishes (Yakuzen): Fresh and dried shiitake mushrooms are used in medicinal dishes that can help reduce the negative effects of certain diets. These dishes can be prepared in various ways, including boiling, grilling, and baking.
  7. Concentrated Extracts: Shiitake mushrooms can be boiled to create a concentrated extract, which can be consumed as a drink or tea. Products like canned shiitake tea or shiitake tea bags are available for easy consumption.
  8. Powdered Products: The mushroom concentrate can be freeze-dried or spray-dried into a granular powder. This powdered form is often mixed with vitamin C or medicinal plants like ginseng.
  9. Alcohol Extraction: Shiitake mushrooms can also be preserved in alcohol mixed with sugar or molasses to create products like “healthy shiitake wine,” which can be consumed as a tonic drink.
  10. Residues and Polysaccharides: Even after extraction, residues from shiitake mushrooms contain significant amounts of beneficial compounds, such as beta-glucans, nucleic acids, and dietary fibers, which have antitumor and health-promoting effects.

Can eating mushrooms cause skin problems?

When adding shiitake mushroom powder to a diet, it is essential to consider individual health factors. This includes evaluating potential allergies and understanding how the powder may interact with certain medications.

Allergies and Sensitivities

Generally Safe but Can Cause Reactions: Shiitake mushrooms are edible, but some people may experience minor side effects or allergic reactions.

Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to mushrooms. Symptoms can include skin rashes, digestive upset, or respiratory issues. It is crucial for anyone new to consuming shiitake mushroom powder to start with a small amount first.

Skin Reactions: Some individuals have reported skin conditions like shiitake-induced toxicodermia and shiitake dermatitis after consuming or handling mushrooms.

Respiratory Allergies: Mushroom workers can develop “mushroom worker’s lung,” an allergic reaction to shiitake spores, causing symptoms like fever, headache, congestion, coughing, sneezing, nausea, and general discomfort.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is important to discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional. Those with known mushroom allergies should avoid shiitake powder altogether to prevent adverse effects.

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Interaction with Medications

Shiitake mushroom powder may interact with certain medications. Those taking blood thinners should exercise caution.

Effects on Blood Coagulation: A water extract from shiitake mushrooms may reduce blood platelets’ ability to clot, potentially affecting blood coagulation.

Mild Side Effects: Consuming large amounts of shiitake mycelium (over 50 mg/day) may cause mild side effects such as diarrhea and skin rash, which usually subside once the body adjusts.

Lentinan Side Effects: Lentinan, a compound from shiitake mushrooms, generally has no serious side effects. However, minor reactions, such as a slight increase in certain liver enzymes and mild chest pressure, were observed in cancer patients during clinical trials, which resolved after stopping lentinan.

Patients are advised to consult with their healthcare provider before adding shiitake mushroom powder to their diet, especially if they are under medication.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the health benefits of shiitake mushroom powder?

Shiitake mushroom powder is known for its high nutritional content. It contains essential vitamins like B vitamins, which support energy levels, and minerals such as copper and selenium, important for immune function. Additionally, it may help lower cholesterol levels and enhance heart health.

Are Shiitake Mushrooms a Superfood?

Shiitake mushrooms are labeled as a superfood due to their dense nutrient profile. They are rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress. Their ability to support immune health and provide numerous vitamins and minerals also contributes to this classification.
Shiitake mushrooms contain various nutrients, including vitamins B and D, selenium, and copper.
They also have bioactive compounds like polysaccharides, particularly lentinans, which may enhance immune function. This nutritional density plays a significant role in earning shiitake mushrooms their superfood status.

How can shiitake mushroom powder be incorporated into daily diet?

Shiitake mushroom powder can easily be added to various meals. It works well in soups, stews, and sauces. Mixing it into smoothies or sprinkling it on salads can boost nutrition without altering flavors significantly.

  1. Hobbs C. Medicinal Mushrooms. An Exploration of Tradition, Healing, and Culture, 2nd Ed. Botanica Press, Inc.: Santa Cruz, CA, USA. 1995. ↩︎
  2. Wasser SP and Weis AL. Medicinal Mushrooms. Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Singer; Nevo, E., Ed. Peledfus Publ. House: Haifa, Israel 1997; p 95. ↩︎
  3. Mizuno T. Shiitake, Lentinus edodes: for medicinal and food purposes. Food Rev Int 1995;11:7-21. ↩︎

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Madelena Tapliga
Madelena Tapliga

MSc Clinical Nutritionist, accredited Nutritionist of UK from Association for Nutrition (AfN)
Clinical Lead
Herbal Medicine
MLD therapy My specialities: Malnutrition (diet advice weight gain), Weight management, bariatric surgery recovery and lifestyle advices, recovery post surgery, gastrointestinal and colorectal health, type2 diabetes, food sensitivities, food intolerances, skin health, family and meal planning, nutrient deficiencies, thyroid disorders, IBO, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Hypochlorhydria (low acid gastric), Immune system, Arthritis, vgetarian and vegan diets, mindfulness eating, stress management, recipe developer, personalised nutrition. Intermittent Fasting, evidence based nutrition, sounds therapy, manual lymphatic drainage .

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